
Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ,

【1Cor 2:1-2】 When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.

Our church is centered on the teaching of Jesus Christ, the New Covenant. Based on the correct realization of the new covenant, we have the belief that we should live by doing it. And we will continue to study about the new covenant of Jesus and about the early church.

Many Christians do not understand why our church keeps the Sabbath on Saturday and the Passover feast. They often distort our teachings and blame us who form the wrong denomination that has returned to legalism. Although we feel sorry about that, we do not want to blame them. Because we think their blame comes from a misunderstanding of our church.

We hope you will be able to study the Bible further through this booklet. May the light of God’s truth be fully delivered in your own lives. Please read it carefully and do your best to understand the context.

Going back to the main subject, the understanding what the image of God is requires insight into the broader redemptive providence of God from Genesis to Revelation. So it is a problem that you are very difficult to understand everything as a layman. But it can be a fairly simple topic, if you understand just a few passages of the Bible correctly.

The apostle Paul was the master of the Old Testament and the new covenant of Jesus also. This booklet will provide correct knowledge of the image of God centered on the apostle Paul’s teachings.

The word about the image of God begins in Genesis chapter one. Although Adam and Eve were created in God’s image, the process of their creation is somewhat different each other. It is written that, unlike Adam who was made of earth, Eve was made of Adam’s ribs. From our study about Genesis account, we will see how the order of creation has been actually completed through Jesus’ new covenant.

The publication of this booklet stems from a painful event in our church more than 30 years ago.

Many churches today are uncritically accepting the altered and secularized Christian doctrines of the Middle Ages. But our church was built with a prophet’s passion and devotion to restore the new covenant of Jesus Christ through the study about the teachings of the early church.

But more than thirty years ago, as our church founder passed away, the shadow of a wicked spirit, like the Nicolaitans, began to shine deep in our church. Some who had been loyal as members of our church suddenly claimed the existence of the female God. And they were at odds with our church’s doctrine.

They distorted the church and entangled the church members in order to divide the church with the strange doctrine that God the Mother exists. They fostered factions with frivolous force, and in 1985 they established a separate church. After that, they expanded their duties by shouting the end of the world. Now they are pretending to be as authentic as our church.

As you know well, it is a fake church, World Mission Society Church of God. They seem to be most afraid of our church, Church of God Jesus Witnesses established by Sahng-hong Ahn directly. Because our church has every evidences through which their false identity can be exposed.

They are lying against our church. They do everything to obliterate our church with so many false facts. They don’t stop defamatory attacks against our church leaders. They speak as though they were the heirs of our church, even though they were the prodigal son.

But the truth does not go away. In recent years, I often have counseling requests from some members of WMSCOG. They tell their honest feelings. “I began to go to the church, judging that it was biblically correct to keep the Sabbath and the Passover. But no matter how hard I try to believe in Gil-jah Zhang as God the Mother, my heart does not move.”

Their teachings are mixed with true and false. Most of you have no deep knowledge of the Bible and can’t sort out their wrong claims. Sometimes even if you know their wrong teachings, it is difficult to refute it biblically. So you have no choice but to hesitate to refuse, and you have to go to church. Over time, it is more difficult to leave the church because of the relationship between church members and crowd psychology.

This booklet will provide the information necessary to correct the misinterpretation of the ‘Mother God’ doctrine for those, who were initially deceived by plausible doctrine and then realized something wrong. Thus, you will realize how unscriptural and futile the claim is. Their claim that we must be saved by believing in ‘female God’ is really absurd.

Dear brothers and sisters! Pray first in the name of Jesus for your spiritual eyes open to bright light. Please study this booklet seriously not lightly. With the great power of Christ Jesus, the protection of the Holy Spirit will be upon you, and I sincerely wish your soul to reach the kingdom of God.